sparkling water benefits

You’ve made a smart decision by ditching soda pop, which is full of sugar and can lead to weight gain, cavities and other health problems. But should you replace your carbonated beverage of choice with sparkling water? The short answer is yes. Sparkling water can offer a number of benefits that make it an excellent substitute for soda and other sugary drinks. But be sure to read the label, and stick to bottled waters that have no added sugars or sweeteners.

1. Hydration

Sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water, making it a great choice for those who struggle to drink enough water during the day. Boosting hydration can help reduce hunger and cravings, which in turn can aid in weight loss efforts. In addition, hydration helps prevent dehydration symptoms like dry mouth and fatigue.

2. Satiety

In a study published in the journal Appetite, researchers found that participants who consumed 8 ounces (250 ml) of carbonated water experienced a longer feeling of satiety than those who drank plain water. While more research is needed, this suggests that carbonated water may help you feel full faster and more effectively than still water.

3. Digestive Taming

Many people find that drinking a glass of sparkling water, particularly unsweetened options, can help tame an upset stomach. In fact, a study in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology showed that people who suffered from indigestion, dyspepsia or constipation found that their symptoms improved after two weeks of drinking sparkling water.

4. Heart-Healthy Benefits

Some studies suggest that drinking a glass of sparkling water may improve blood pressure, lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This is likely due to the mineral content in sparkling water, which contains magnesium and calcium.

5. Prevents Dehydration

Drinking carbonated water can also help prevent dehydration, which is a common problem in the US. Symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, headache, weakness and difficulty thinking clearly. In addition, chronic dehydration can also lead to kidney and heart complications.

6. Increased Energy

Some research indicates that carbonated water can increase energy levels, which can be beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. While more research is needed, this is a promising finding for those who suffer from fatigue and low energy levels.

7. Protects Teeth

Whether you enjoy plain or flavored sparkling water, it is best to drink it with meals rather than between meals. Sipping it during a meal will trigger the production of saliva, which can help neutralize the acid on your teeth. This can help reduce tooth decay, sensitivity and enamel erosion, as well as reduce the likelihood of gum disease.

8. Promotes Bone Health

Sparkling water can be a great substitute for sugary sodas that contain high amounts of sodium, which is linked to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. In contrast, a daily glass of low-sodium sparkling water can provide a good source of potassium and magnesium, both of which are important for bone health.